wow = new WOW( { boxClass: 'wow', // default animateClass: 'animated', // default offset: 0, // default mobile: false, // default live: true , // default } ) wow.init(); gergobalogh


Hey! Nice to have you on my page. If you got here it means I have your attention. I enjoy designing my own work so I built this page from scratch. I prefer clean, elegant and simple layouts that pass on information neatly. So, you want to know more about me?? I'm a fresh graduate of the "Informal school of IT", where I learnt and advanced my previously self-taught knowledge. These last few months as I stumbled upon new tech, my fascination grew minute by minute. It felt exhilarating when I finished a project with success.
Ladies and Gents, forgive my excitement and let me present myself:
This is me!!
Gergo Balogh


My instruments for success


Writing HTML I learned as a kid, playing around with Notepad and Internet Explorer. How can you tell the difference between HTML and HTML5? Try opening the website in IE. Does it work? Nope! It's HTML5!


With HTML in Notepad it was quite hard to style elements on your page, but as I learned CSS I was able to style my pages nifty and increase UX, like this cool progress bar that is loading here :


For pages to be truly interactive, obviously you need Javascript. I'm comfortable with DOM manipulation and got a glimpse of what goes on under the hood. I'd say "this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"!


Then came the need to exchange data with the server so there was AJAX at hand. Meanwhile I noticed how efficient Jquery is and productivity got through the roof. From here things escalated quickly.


But what if I want to acces your site from my phone or tablet? Will it be responsive ? No sweat! "Look up in the sky...It's a bird.. It's a plane... It's TWITTER BOOTSTRAP!!


Some of my recent works! (wait wait. it's under construction)!


Feel free to contact me!